Edge Computing
High advancement in technology at an interval of every second is resulting in something new. The deployment of IoT devices in combination with the 5G technology has given rise to edge computing. It has helped a lot in transforming the way data gets generated by billions of devices.
Want to know the way it has helped in storing, processing, analyzing, and transporting the data that is generated by billions of IoT devices? Here it is…….
What is the Concept of Edge Computing all about?
Edge computing is considered to be a vital part of the distributed topology of computers where the processed information is located close to the edge. Things and people either produce or consume that information. This particular technology brings both computations and stored data close to those devices where it is gathered.
Earlier, edge computing was utilized for reducing the cost of bandwidth that is associated with the moving of raw data. The raw data was moved from the place where it was created. With time, the concept is being driven forward to carry on with some advanced forms of operations.
The deployment of the ongoing 5G wireless standard gets tied up with edge computing. As 5G enables faster processing speed, it is preferred over other wireless technologies. It is done to prevent latency issues that may otherwise affect the performance of the application.
Additionally, companies will be able to save a huge amount of money as the processing of the data will take place locally. It will result in the reduction of the amount of data that needs to be sent to a centralized location.
How Edge Computing Solves the Problem of Video Camera Footage?
Nowadays, the use of video cameras has become very much common. Whether it is a factory floor or remote office, they help in easy monitoring of the activities taking place all around. The owner will be able to keep a watch of all the activities taking place at every moment by sitting in a particular room.
In the case of a single device, hardly any problem arises across the network. As the number of devices transmitting the data grows, lots of issues come to the limelight. The quality of the video footage starts suffering due to latency. Also, at the same time; the cost of bandwidth may be highly astronomical.
If proper care is not taken at the right time, then it will be difficult to carry on with the task of monitoring as usual. In such a situation, the installation of edge-computing hardware and services proves to be of great help. These devices help a lot by providing some local sources of data processing and storing.
Edge gateway technology will help in the easy processing of data from an edge device to send relevant data through the channel produced by the cloud. It may also send the data back to the edge device for meeting the needs of real-time applications. There is a correlation between the operations associated with 5G technology and edge computing. Below is a short description of the same……
How 5G Technology and Edge Computing are correlated?
It is surprising to know that edge computing can be easily deployed on all types of networks including 5G. But, the reverse is not necessary that it will be true. To be precise, users will hardly be able to come across the lucrative benefits of 5G until and unless there is an infrastructure that is programmed using edge computing.
The 5G technology is helpful in terms of reducing the network latency that exists between the mobile tower as well as the endpoint. But, it may not always be in a position to address the distance to a specific data center. It may seem to be a highly problematic issue in the case of applications that are sensitive to latency.
With more deployment of the 5G network, its relationship with edge computing will continue to grow. Still, companies will be in a favorable position to deploy infrastructure that is inclusive of edge computing technology. It will be possible with the help of wired and Wi-Fi devices too.
Rural areas are expected to benefit a lot due to the high speed associated with the 5G network.
Now, it is the turn to peep into the way edge computing works!
Working of Edge Computing in a Nutshell!
If observed in detail, the physical architecture of edge computing may seem to be a bit complicated. The idea that hovers around is the fact that the devices will be able to get connected with the help of this technology for coming across highly responsive operations related to processing and operations.
Edge devices are inclusive of special devices that comprise the latest technology. Some of the most prominent ones include the following:
- IoT sensors
- The notebook computer of an employee
- Smartphone
- Security cameras
- A microwave oven that operates with the help of an internet connection
In the case of bigger settings like industrial settings, the edge device may be anything from an autonomous mobile robot. Whereas in the case of the healthcare sector; a high-end surgical system will be the right choice. It will provide the doctors with the ability to perform surgery and other activities from remote locations.
It is a fact that the edge gateways may be considered to be edge devices that is available within an infrastructure that is dependent on the edge computing process. As the terminology may vary from one sector to the other, you may be coming across different types of words like edge servers, gateways, and many more. Nothing to get confused about!
There are higher chances that service providers will be deploying edge gateways for users looking forward to supporting an edge network. But, the enterprises looking forward to adopting a private edge network may have to consider the requisite hardware for edge technology too.
What is the Difference that Exists between Edge Computing and Other Models?
The list of differences that exists between edge computing and older models is a long one. First and foremost, the firstly invented models of computers were large and bulky in size. It was possible to access them directly via specific terminals. With the upcoming of personal computers, it has become possible to carry on with the task of computing at own comfort.
The computing takes place in a distributed fashion. Afterward, came cloud computing which has been considered to be a recent development. It has been recognized for offering a wide number of advantages over personal computers. Cloud services being highly centralized have made it easy for these devices to get access over the internet.
Still, cloud computing may result in latency due to the high distance that exists between users and data centers. Finally, the introduction of edge computing has proved to be the best alternative to all these computing systems. It has helped in moving computing close to end-users for minimizing the distance data needs to travel. Also, it ensures easy retaining of the centralized nature of cloud computing.
After coming across the details regarding working and differences, it is time to come across some of the advantages associated with edge computing technology.
What are Some Lucrative Benefits Associated with Edge Computing Technology?
The list of benefits associated with edge computing is an unending one. Some of the highly lucrative ones have been mentioned in a nutshell:
- Low cost in terms of bandwidth: Companies looking forward to saving costs on bandwidth will truly benefit from the use of edge computing devices. The cost of bandwidth in the case of cloud devices was too high. To lower the same, edge computing will be of great help.
- Faster processing and storing of data: One more benefit associated with edge computing is faster processing and storing of data. It will help a lot in carrying out some of the critical operations of the companies. Face scanning, fingerprint scanning, and many more have become highly efficient advancements. With the help of a model that operates on edge computing technology, the respective algorithm can run locally on any edge server. Additional contributions associated with this new type of technology include:
- Self-driving cars
- Smart cities
- Automation systems related to buildings etc.
These are some highly remarkable benefits that are associated with the implementation of edge computing technology. Such factors have contributed to making this technology highly recognized.
Is there any Limitation Associated with Edge Computing?
Every technology has certain limitations on which the software engineers carry on with their research-related activities to improve. Similarly, the limitations associated with edge computing include the following:
- The addition of too many smart devices may result in higher chances related to attacks by malicious attackers
- Requires a rigorous number of local hardware for operation
Taking in high consideration the above-mentioned limitations is to consider the advantages associated with edge servers. It is high time not to confuse edge computing with cloud computing. The former is used for processing data that is time-sensitive. Whereas, the latter is used for processing data that is not at all time-driven.